Young Farmers & Ranchers Jessica Gordon, Chairperson
Randolph County Farm Bureau has an active Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Program for young women and men between 18 and 35 years of age. It provides opportunities to develop leadership traits, public speaking skills and exposure to current issues in agriculture from state and national leaders. If you would like to be involved with the Randolph County Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Program, contact us: youngfarmers@randolphcountyfarmbureau.com
YF&R Farm Tour in the works for April.
More details to come.
Young Farmers & Ranchers Allison Walker, Chairperson
Randolph County Farm Bureau has an active Young Farmer & Rancher (YF&R) Program for young women and men between 18 and 35 years of age. It provides opportunities to develop leadership traits, public speaking skills and exposure to current issues in agriculture from state and national leaders. If you would like to be involved with the Randolph County Farm Bureau Young Farmers & Ranchers Program, contact us: youngfarmers@randolphcountyfarmbureau.com
Women's Committee Brenda Elliott, Chairperson
Randolph County Farm Bureau also has an active Women's Committee. This committee promotes legislative involvement, supports educational programs, promotes safety and supports Farm Bureau policies and initiatives. If you would like information about the Randolph County Farm Bureau Women's Committee, contact us: womenscomm@randolphcountyfarmbureau.com
State Women's Committee member, Faylene Whitaker
The Institute for Future Agriculture Leaders (IFAL)
Several Randolph County students have participated in the Institute for Future Agriculture Leaders. IFAL is a week-long program for high school students interested in the industry of agriculture. Emphasis is placed on: career opportunities, emerging technology, citizenship and leadership development.
Applications are due to the county Farm Bureau office by March 31.
Fatal Vision: Fatal Vision is a training tool used to vividly demonstrate the concept of impairment and the dangers of impaired driving. The Fatal Vision Goggles distort vision and cause behaviors that are similar to behaviors exhibited by someone under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
ROPS Incentive: The Rollover Protective Structure Incentive Program is designed to help offset the cost of installation of factory retro-fitted and dealer installed ROPS and seat belts on farm tractors owned by North Carolina Farm Bureau members. Approved incentives equal $500 per installation and are limited to one per member. Click here for more information.
Theft Reward Program: The Theft Reward Program offers a reward for information leading to the arrest for arson, malicious damage to property, burglary, or other felonies committed on member property and a final conviction or guilty plea on a felony charge or a lesser included offense. Program rules apply. Click here for more information.